Friday, August 20, 2010

The day which taught me to be present in the moment

The day started usually with me waking up at around 6.00 am in the morning. It was a cloudy day and I felt so sleepy. But I had to carry on as it was a working day. So I dragged myself and finished all the household chores and prepared my daughter for her school. I had some projects lined up also so I hurried along.
After leaving my daughter in her school I went to buy vegetables and groceries. When I was in the vegetable shop it started pouring and I realized that I was not carrying my umbrella. I took it as an excuse to walk in the rain and happily reached home never realizing that it was just a beginning of a series of forgetfulness. There was no power so I had to walk up to 4th floor. As I entered the house exhausted and thoroughly drenched and placed the plastic bags on the floor I felt that something was missing. There was no vegetable bag!!! I was too tired to go back to search for it and thought that I will search for it in the shops later on. But the misplaced bag kept nagging me and I could not concentrate on my work.
I left home early and visited all the shops which I had visited that morning and at last reached the vegetable vendor. I sheepishly asked him about the bag and he gave it to me. I tried to smile at him but he doled out some advice for me. In a rather serious voice he said “why are you in so much hurry always? Slow down, it will do you no harm”. I gulped down his advice knowing how true he was. I could not help but appreciate his observation power. I reached my daughter’s school to find her in a not-so-good mood as she was the last child left in the school.
Earlier I had planned to take her for a haircut and after much coaxing I succeeded in taking her to the barber. She kept quiet and didn’t cry. I thanked god.
We came back home and met our neighbor near the lift. As we chatted along her daughter enquired about my daughter’s school bag. It was my third mistake since morning. I immediately knew where it was. I must have left it at the barber’s shop!
I asked my neighbor to take care of Titli who was not very keen on staying back. But I persuaded her and rushed to the barber’s shop. As I approached the shop he saw me through the glass door and came out with the bag. I fumbled for words and managed a sorry and thank you at the same time.
I again rushed back home and took the lift and at last reached our flat with all the bags and baggage.
I didn’t venture out that evening in fear of again misplacing something. When I look back I realize how just rushing through the chores landed me in so much trouble. I was preoccupied in my own thoughts which led to this series of mistakes. Had I been present in the moment I would have saved a lot of trouble to myself and to other people also.


  1. not only trouble and humiliation - you would have saved a lot of time and energy also - it was "time" that u were trying to save in the first place..was it not?

    kabe holo ei ghaTonaguli?

    btw.. "as it was A working day" habe bodhoy..

  2. last week. as you were in a do-not-feel-like-talking mood so i didnot tell you.
